Home of the Bulldogs
The Butler Public school district has adopted the Character Strong Curriculum. All students, K-12, will be taught this program this year by the ABS in each school.
School Climate State Coordinator: HIB@doe.nj.gov
Ms. Jackie MolinaDistrict Coordinator jmolina@butlerboe.org
Ms. Emma TagarielloBHS Specialistetagariello@butlerboe.org
Mr. Joseph FischerRBS Specialistjfischer@butlerboe.org
Mr. Daniel ClarkADS Specialistdclark@butlerboe.org
Policy 5512 | Regulation 5512 | Regulation 5600
[Click to Report]
SY 2021-2022 | SY 2020-2021 | SY 2019-2020 | SY 2017-2018 | SY 2016-2017 | SY 2015-2016